TGIF. This weeks quote: “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” – Og Mandino
Og Mandino was an American author best known for his book “The Greatest Salesman in the World.” I take to heart many of Og’s sayings and in this time of graduations and moving up ceremonies I believe his ideas are worth noting. Always do your best. Even when you don’t want to. Even when no one else is watching. Even when you think it doesn’t matter. I try to instill in my co workers this ideal. I try to tell them the napkin is folded the way it is because it makes us different from the next place. I teach them to set the table the same because each guest deserves the same treatment. I teach them to understand while we serve food what we really do is serve the community. I know sometimes they look at me and think what an idiot I am. And they have no idea how right they are! But what I am hoping is that one day they will see that what I taught them was a way to a better life. That by doing their best, one day they will harvest their just rewards. Og always concluded his speeches by saying “if Og can do it, so can you.” Today I am saying to any graduates and friends who will listen is if I can do it, so can you. Believe in yourself. Have faith in God and in those who surround you. Find your passion and pursue it. Serve your community. And always do your best.
May God bless each and everyone of us. Have a great week.